
Harrison (East Newark) Pop Warner football registration runs through July

Harrison (East Newark) Pop Warner football registration runs through July

Harrison Recreation’s Pop Warner football registration runs through July 31. Parents can register children online at The fee is $50. All equipment must be returned before the end of the season. No refunds will be given.

The pee level is for children aged 7 to 10 after August 31; juniors must be 10 to 12 years old on August 31; and seniors must be 12 to 14 years old by August 31. Players 15 years or older – or anyone in high school – are not allowed to play.

The competition is open to residents of Harrison and East Newark.

For more information, call the Harrison Recreation Department at (973) 268-2469.

Kevin A. Canessa Jr. is an editor and presenter at The Observer, a place he has worked on and off since 2006. He is responsible for the editorial content of the newspaper and website, the production of the e-newspaper, writing several stories per week (including the weekly editorial), with live broadcasts on FacebookLive, including a weekly news recap — and much more behind the scenes. Between 2006 and 2008, he introduced the newspaper to its very first blog – including podcasts, audio and video. Kevin was originally from Jersey City and lived in Kearny, Port St. Lucie, until 2004. Florida, for four years until February 2016 and in March of that year, he moved back to West Hudson to return to The Observer full-time. Click Here to send Kevin an email.