
Peacock True Story Horror Comedy Goes Crazy

Peacock True Story Horror Comedy Goes Crazy

Elizabeth Banks Cocaine Beer

The film’s opening scene shows cocaine smuggler Andrew Thornton, played by the always watchable Matthew Rhys, dumping the cocaine from the plane before attempting to parachute to safety. A bear finds one of the duffel bags and begins sampling the product. This is where the fictionalization begins, with the rest of the story based on the bear surviving, but also actually liking Devil’s Dandruff.

The eponymous cocaine bear enjoys it so much that, like Tony Montana in ScarfaceThere is never enough. After all, there are more duffel bags full in the Chattahootchee National Forest. There are also drug dealers looking for them, along with a few cops, which sets the stage for a twisted, black comedy with a dash of blood and horror.