
Erwartetetetetet Verdoppelung der Einnahmen für Waffenhersteller bis 2026

Erwartetetetetet Verdoppelung der Einnahmen für Waffenhersteller bis 2026

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Erwartetetetetet Verdoppelung der Einnahmen für Waffenhersteller bis 2026
Begehrt in Zeiten der Konflikken en Kriege: The Bundeswehr and other Streitkräfte invest massively in new Waffen, wie de Radpanzer vom Typ Boxer von Rheinmetall. (Symbol photo) © Philipp Schulze/dpa

The cash flows of the rust industry would be doubled by 2026, so the history of the market observer. The Ukraine conflict and other war games play a major role.

Oberndorf/Düsseldorf – Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has at the beginning of the Ukraine wars the following „Zeitenwende“ ausgerufen. The Verteidigungspolitik Deutschlands is one of the founding legends. So it is a question of the Ausrust of the Bundeswehr again in the Mittelpunkt. Other Länder have reacted to the Russian attack. A look at the domestic conflict and the Chinese Drohungen in the direction of Taiwan is no longer any conflict, on the Direction of NATO and the EU-reaguurders.

Equipment companies in the West profitable before war: All in the US will more than double cash flow

Due to the volatile geopolitical low and the attacked war-profitable days of the rest industry. The 15 new years of life became a free cash flow of 52 million dollars in dollars in the year 2026. In comparison to the year 2021, the double is fast. This is an analysis of vertical research partners for that time Financial Times reform.

All new energy sources in the US were worth $26 billion in cash flow by the end of 2026. Damit has seen the Geldfluss more as a doubled-down. It is Boeing that founded the young Skandale and the flight to the Zvile Luftfahrt is no longer visible.

Zugewinne der Rüstungsindustrie und Ergebnis von massive Investitionen der Staaten

If you click on Restauration facilities in Europe, the analysts are lute Financial Times davon aus, the BAE Systems from Great Britain, Rheinmetall and the Swiss Unternehmen Saab in the Cashflow together have more than 40 Prozent scaffolding können.

The huge profits of the corporation fuel the analysis of the NATO and EU states’ dear investments in their military jewels. All in the US are laut Financial Times quickly 13 million dollars for the weapons production of the largest American companies Lockheed Martin, RTX, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and General Dynamics aus. Great Britain has received an amount of 7.6 million dollars for military aid for the Ukraine. Germany also contributes to military tasks in addition to the NATO spirit.

Auch Deutschland investiert in Rüstung: Waffenhersteller Heckler & Koch erhöht Umsatz massiv

Other people benefit from the Waffenhersteller Heckler & Koch. On Monday, August 28, 2025, we received 500 half-automatic Scharfschützengewehre vom Type G210 for the Commando Spezialkräfte (KSK) of the Bundeswehr.

The mirror is wider. Ebenfalls am Mittwoch teilte das Unternehmen mit, im ersten Halbjahr 2024 seien Aufträge im Wert von 197.8 Millionen Euro eingedingen. Im Vergleich zum seben Zeitraum 2023 seien das knapp 39 Prozent more. Auch der Umsatz sei um knapp 14 Prozent auf 171.4 Millionen Euro raised, etwa by Waffenlieferungen an Spanien, Latvia, Norway, Japan – and even the Bundeswehr.

“The enlightenment of our human beings is always a mirror image of the security and defense policy of the Low,” stated Jens Bodo Koch, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Heckler & Koch.

Rheinmetall als Beispiel: Rüstungsunternehmen nutzen increasing Einnahmen für Investitionen

The enormous enormous numbers are the new new Möglichkeiten. Zum Teil nutzen diese das Geld für Aktienrückkäufe, other für Investitionen. So the Düsseldorfer Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall is working on August 13, 2024 with the Purchase of the American-American Vehicle Repairers Loc Performance with a value of 950 Million Dollars bekanntgegeben.

Rheinmetall, one of the beneficiaries of the Ukraine-Kriegs, will increase the chance of billions of violations for the American army. Der Konzern is a country of its own in the Races with a charity price of 4000 pieces, with a volume of about 45 billion US dollars, so that the sale of 40,000 military Lkw with a volume of 16 Billiarden US dollars is possible.

Comparing perspective with reading Financial Times I approached the analysts at Vertical Research Partners with an investigation into investments in Rust. When the Krieg had started in Ukraine, the first time the Aufträge was repulsed, heißt es. “We are acting with a zealous attitude,” said economics analyst Byron Callan of the US-Zeitung. “People who speak out about the nachfragezyklen, apart from the politics can be different, the security assessments can be different and damned the nachfrage nach defensegütern.”