
Fans get to see 4 (!) years of Finig is the fortification of a major action hit on Netflix for – Kino News

Fans get to see 4 (!) years of Finig is the fortification of a major action hit on Netflix for – Kino News

‘The Old Guard’ is one of Netflix’s big hits of 2020 — but the sequel to ‘The Old Guard 2’ might leave fans disappointed. If Kulissen is any indication, it’s a different take.


“The Old Guard” appeared on Netflix in July 2020 and would have played one of the many years films: 78 Millionen Haushalte sollen the Fantasy-Actioner won Netflix insgesamt 186 Millionen Stunden lang geschaut haben – these Zahlen stem alldings noch aus einer Ära, in van The streaming service is not transparent with the performance channel films and series that a man can easily enjoy.

Even if “The Old Guard” would be a bigger hit, it would probably be a success in 2021. But it is no longer possible to go bald for four years and no longer enjoy “The Old Guard 2“Your Spur. Immerse yourself: After you spend your time in the lost monate with hints of relaxation behind the Kulissen, there is still more light in the Sache. Aber der Reihe nach:

This is what you can see in “The Old Guard 2”!

In February 2024, Matthias Schoenaerts, the star of ‘The Old Guard’, which has appeared on Netflix ​​on the streaming service, which is provided anyway, which has not released the film. Finally, after the end of the working hours, the external post-production with its cut, music and sound as well as computer effects remains. This post-production would later be released to the world, with ‘The Old Guard’ HQ creator Charlize Theron in the summer of 2024.

Mittlerweile could look into the post-production and now give a new article of “The Old Guard 2”: Who Dies in Sachen Netflix äußerst verlässliche Seite What’s on Netflix? below for a Canadian Schauspielgewerkschaft message set, since the 7th and 18th of October 2024 sogenannte Nachdrehs for “The Old Guard 2” angesetztif the sister Szenen and Schnipsel were served.

Solche Nachdrehs heard bei de meisten Films eener gewissen Größenordnung dazu, gelten im Internet jedoch häufig as schlechtes Omen – first straight, as those who bei “The Old Guard 2” seemlich genau two years (!) after their own work in October 2022 statistics find.

Proudly sollten die Nachdrehs in diesem Fall wohl eher als Good Omen were deputedwhile all the problems with the Kulissen are now beigelegt and Netflix has not installed the film – who is the science fiction film ‘The Mothership’ with Halle Berry geschhen. Statdessen investor now and then Money, a “The Old Guard 2” finalized, and women who have done this. Schließlich since eleven days has been an orderly time for the night.

“The Old Guard 2” is coming to Netflix in 2025, but watch Mitte 2025 first – that was also (quickly) fun after the release of the first films.

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