
CIA and MI6 chefs warn of Gefahr für Weltordnung

CIA and MI6 chefs warn of Gefahr für Weltordnung

It is 77 years since the US Secret Service CIA and the British MI6 have a strategic partnership. First and foremost, the Chefs are together openly. Be warned endringlich.

The chefs of the American and British chefs have recruited the international background Krisen en Conflikte for a Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit. The world is “with an art and a white background, which the Kalten Krieg will no longer experience”, wrote CIA chief Bill Burns and MI6 chief Richard Moore in a guest article for the Zeitung “Financial Times” of Saturday.

The narrow and trusting British and American secret service is for this background of separated beggars, who “with a supply of Zahl von Bedrohungen” confront, for everything in Russia, China and the Near East. “Auf kurs zu bleiben, ist wichtiger denn je”, write the two Secret Service chiefs. One of the reasons why this is so, is “the fight against the sabotage campaign of the Russian secret service in Europe to bind”.

The Chinese secret services both secret service chiefs die as “the heaviest news service and geopolitical re-examination of the 21st century”. If you have priority in solving your problems, your service is not organized. Make sure that the fight against terrorism is a “core piece” of the Partnership. This would be one of the advantages of other states.

The host family approached Moore and Burns on Saturday at an issue of the “Financial Times” in London. It was the first war between the secret service chiefs of the CIA and MI6 who were the best of the mittlerweile 77-jährigen Partnership.

Here they give, among other things, an assessment of the Ukrainian military offensive in the Russian region of Kursk. Burns has given the Ukrainian Prince a “significant tactical lead”. For one thing, Ukrainian morality is being maintained, for another, Russian swathes are also being reformed. In the Russian elite, the fragment could be “where everything should be led”. Moore spoke of a “typical cuisine and another story of Ukraine”, which is an example of “the game of his country”.

Ukraine carried out a military operation in the Kursk Border Region in August. Laut Armeeangaben konrollieren ukrainian Einheiten bovine 1,300 Quadratkilometer in dem Gebiet. One of the offensive attacks is a Russian unit in the region and the Russian form in the Ostukraine has slowed down. The Ukrainian Oberbefehlshaber Oleksandr Syrskyj erklärte in the Donnerstag, dass Russland at the umkämpften Stadt Pokrowsk in Donezk jijetzt “keinen Meter Boden won” habe. “With others Worten: Unsere Strategie funktioniert.”