
Netflix offers a great Star Trek Mastermind fantasy film

Netflix offers a great Star Trek Mastermind fantasy film

Many fans have never waited so long, but Netflix has ​​appeared in the Rahmen Geeked Week 2024, and the fantasy series Magic: The Gathering is coming back. The adaptation of the legendary Sammelkartenspelen would be used by the streaming giants to play for years and now make a release that often occurs.

Star Trek Genius Terry Matalas powers Magic: The Gathering from the Netflix Series

If the 90s are a hype, Magic: The Gathering (kurz: MTG) has been released. Zehntausende unterschiedliche Karten met Characteren, Zaubersprüchen und Monstern Bilden die Basis een epic Fantasy-Welt. The university’s first film screening was held in the Entwicklungshölle dem Untergang zu sein last year. Jetzt soll de Animationsserie für Netflix but noch Realität were. All things were dying bisher entwickelten Versionen dafür completely acquired.

Whoever buys Netflix is ​​bound to die”new creative design” the MTG series is currently in production. For the development of the projects of the new Showrunner Terry Matalas responsible. Matalas is posted by the chef for the by Sci-Fi fans celebrated Finalestaf of Star Trek: Picard and Arbeitet at Marvel Studios active a series about the Avenger Vision.

Concrete details about the handling of the Netflix series Magic: The Gathering are not active. The first Teaser image (which is shown) is no longer available, but the magical characters Nahiri and Ajani in the Center of History we can be there. South slip of the tongue Terry Matalas Follows:

Who new in this epic Saga, that was experienced, were Millions of Fans, who play every day, ready to know. Magic is the ultimate Sandbox for Stories, full of pictograms, complex characters, extensive, enchanted Powers and Portals of every conceivable Genre. It is a tight undertaking, that will get all the associations and communities of the whole world, for example from the Welcher culture, from the Welchem ​​country or from the Welcher world that comes through the existing man.

Want to start Magic: The Gathering on Netflix?

A start date that Netflix has not yet revealed. The production of animated series is often so intense that there is only one thing we can do, but the fantasy series looks like this. Wir rechnen mit einem Netflix Starts 2025 or 2026.