
++ Info-Date on Mittag, 20.09.24: Klimastreik von Fridays for Future ++

++ Info-Date on Mittag, 20.09.24: Klimastreik von Fridays for Future ++

Fridays for Future has created a global climbing reach. Auch in Deutschland gehen Menschen on die Straße – an meer als 100 Orten.

In Berlin, the activists want to see the Chancellor. From the perspective of Fridays for Future, they can enter the political party that will be little climate protection. The criticism of climate protection is that the Federal Government still has no climate money, but it is a coalition delay that lasts longer.

I am looking forward to finding out more about Fridays-for-Future-Demos in Rheinland-Pfalz, for Beispiel in Mainz and Koblenz. Auch in Baden-Württemberg, gibt es Kundgebungen, etwa in Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Freiburg and Stuttgart.

U-Ausschuss Ahrflut: Vorsitzender thanks Sows and Sows

Der Vorsitzende des Untersuchungsausschusses zur Ahrflut, Martin Haller (SPD), who thanked more than 200 Sows and Sows. Haller said in the Landtagsdebate about the Abschlussbericht, or the Zeugenaussagen where the Ausschuss was not in the low gewesen, an Arbeit zu fluent. On the other hand, Feuerwehrleute and Polizisten were heard.

The sows are in the Flutnacht of the Schreckliches erlebt. The Ausschuss has seen all the necessary fragments, the great anerkennung of zollen and small boundaries of überschreiten. At the Ahr-Flut were thoughts 135 people had come. The Ausschuss is one of the most important things that takes over power and where the Vergwortung continues.