
Stop by “The Bachelorette”: So interesting who dies Jahr war das Dating-Format not

Stop by “The Bachelorette”: So interesting who dies Jahr war das Dating-Format not

Halbzeit at “Die Bachelorette”
So interesting who is doing that Dating Format this year

Stella Stegmann is the first bisexual single in Germany and is generating new interest in the show.

Stella Stegmann is the first bisexual single in Germany and is generating new interest in the show.

© Photo: RTL / Pascal Bünning

With the bisexual bachelor Stella Stegmann, RTL focuses on the heteronormative format and the show for bachelor parties.

Zuletzt is no longer in the “Bachelor” format of RTL. “Die Bachelors” has a double manneskraft who made a quoten-tiefpunkt a year ago. A new staff of the “Bachelorette” RTL quickly broadcasts to its own streaming service (new films that appear on RTL+). Don’t do it Rosenblatt anymore.

Gezwungen, in new directions to think, that RTL so fiercely stehenden, heteronormative Borders of Formats sprengt and with Stella Stegmann (27) has become the first bisexual Bachelorette Deutschlands. So stehen nun first women and men in Konkurrenz are a woman who is a woman. Ausgeglichen ist das Geschlechterverhältnis allendings nicht: Stella hatte zu Beginn 15 Manner, aber nur fünf Frauen zur Auswahl. RTL said that the nachrichtenagent had a spot on the news: “Entscheidend war here nicht allein das geschlecht, apart from mehr die Persönlichkeit der Bewerber:innen and my compatibility with the Bachelorette.”

Who doesn’t flirt with women and men?

Trotzdem is no longer in the broadcast of a first time an uninterested dating alliance of men and women in the camp as a woman. While most of the men are at work, the fitness manager Markus (32) has been pushed aside over time, while Leila (27) has made a worried Vorteil contribution in the new Folge. It is a convenient way to write with Stella, which is a secret. If the Ausnahmen are in the show again, that is not the case.

There is still a tension-bene-power over the common Villa out. Theoretically, you can find those years on a few. As time goes by, fans of “Princess Charming” will know this problem. So flirt Rapper Ferry (29) and Servicemitarbeiterin Emma (21) are so intense with each other, that it is an exciting theme in the Villa Wurde. One of the women who liked it, was in between. If there is no other woman who sees Emma and Zahnarzthelferin Akosua (21), the end goal is at the Poledance-Stange.

Stella brought Wertekonzepte to Wanken

Well, the main person Stella has no problem with the egg-air hat. If the concrete is from the beginning, then there is an attack of propositions that can provide a strong resistance of the men (only of the men) who come in wank. Overhaupt is interesting if you are interested in the wisdom of women and (former) heterosexual men, if you have a theme with sexual and sexual forms. If the queers so like to know, was with the deception that polyamory and pansexuality gemeint is, the man of the gentlemen not tender the word “Heteronormativ” aussprechen (Martin, 35: “Heteronormal?”).

It seems that the man never knew, but that young woman of the competition is heard, while RTL gets a spot on news that is the best. The Ankunft der Konkurrentinnen war for all a shock, the men are interesting short-term decisions-geführt hat: Soldier Bennett (27) explained the Staffel in the background of the Teilnehmerinnen who are concerned with “Staffel of Political Correctness” and stated clearly, that is never a problem. For a long time it is not so that Stella sleeps in the first night of the Rosen-heraus. Bennett war is such, that one of the most important discussions with the “geisteskrank” of Begriff is, that is with heterosexual women who do not feel like it. If Zuschauerin is anyway the Gefühl, this is the Problem War. The attack in the villa is that Bennett’s Rauswurf is more empathetic, lockerer and perpetrator than in the pure “Bro-Villen” zuvor.

A man has a double interest

Stitch point locker – here you will find the new Queerness der Show. Ohne Stella’s bisexual love as a topic that Ferry was not surprised by, is that he comes out as bi-interested. And the marketing manager Erik (30) in a gentlemen’s villa as “Leutnant Sexy” with a pet by the pool, is a large dedicated page who has more experience with his work. When Stella is confronted with stereotypical male characteristics, says Sales Manager Devin (28). The goal of all men is the typical mask type and how long the show the first kiss get. So Mann can still learn: For fun, that is one of the most common experiences, less on played self-conscious choices and more on ehrliche Gefühle and Insicherheiten.

On social media, all components can be used for a new interest in the format. So think of Reaction-Videos, like a YouTube rin Silvi Carlsson, who follows the jewelry in a week that brings in more than 100,000. Zum Vergleich: Ein Video dem Jahr 2022 vom official Bachelorette-Kanal hat in zwei Jahren nicht mal 90.000 Views gesammelt. There is no new interest in RTL gegenüber on news: “I am Vergleich zur letzten Staffel konnten wir a deutlich höhere Aktivität feststellen, which are incorporated in a higher Social Buzz more broadly mirrored.”

It seems like the sender is a bisexual bachelor who is messing around like this – which is a more exciting, exciting and thrilling war of the size.
