
Motorsport-Weltverband – Niels Wittich rides as Formel-1-Rennleiter zurück – Sport

Motorsport-Weltverband – Niels Wittich rides as Formel-1-Rennleiter zurück – Sport

Paris (dpa) – Der Deutsche Niels Wittich (52) is no longer Rennleiter der Formel 1. Wittich wants to breathe “new Möglichkeiten”, part of the Motorsport-Weltverband Fia mit. If the common Hesse could make it, it would not be possible.

“Niels has done his job as a racing director with professionalism and commitment. We would like to thank you for your commitment and your gratitude for everything you do well.” The Portuguese Rui Marques, bislang Rennleiter in the Formel 2 and Formel 3, was last night’s Formel-1-Rennen in Las Vegas on November 24 and Wittich’s Rolle übernehmen .

Wittich’s Vorgänger und das Skandal-Finale

After the biggest Formel-1 Final in Abu Dhabi in December 2021, Australian Michael Masi, who had been in the Amt for the first three years, was abgesetzt as Rennleiter. I hate to separate the WM title with the final of the final of Max Verstappen in Red Bull against Lewis Hamilton in Mercedes as the first ermöglicht.

The result is one of the most successful Rennmanagement Trios: Wittich and Eduardo Freitas from Portugal, who appear on the page as Renndirektor of Urgestein Herbie Blash. In 2023, Wittich started working as a sole rider.

Check a Schmuck and a private underwater in the Cockpit

I also hate the formal 1 pilots who complain about their judgment after broader regulations and punishments. In the past we have written about the Fahrergewerkschaft GPDA then a short letter to the Fia and the president Mohammed ben Sulayem. Darin says otherwise: “Unsere Mitglieder since erwachsen, sie haben es nicht nötig, über die Medien Anweisungen über so triviale Dinge wie das Tragen von Schmuck and Unterhosen zu erhalten.”

Darin plays the GPDA on a control round at the Grand Prix of Miami 2022 and if Wittich no longer uses the Tragen of Schmuck and private underwater in the car. Rekordweltmeister Hamilton has appealed to the official press conferences with more rings and hands and a few necklaces.

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