
DFB Team: Kimmich’s heikle Gratwanderung

DFB Team: Kimmich’s heikle Gratwanderung

Joshua Kimmich is the Captain of the German Fußball-Nationalmannschaft that is being fragmented. Please feel free to visit the Bayern Star in Fokus. Gerade is a brilliant theme.

After 27 minutes Joshua Kimmich stood on the Mittwochmittag at the press conference in Frankfurt. „The whole story was great“, during the 29 years of the DFB press conference Franziska Wülle und ergänzte mit verschmitztem Lächeln: „Nächstes Mal Bringen wir noch einen others Spieler mit.“

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The attending journalists laugh. During the Witz War, the scope for strengthening the high-explosive faction widened, making the DFB captain increasingly important.

The themes of the political situation in Germany with the government, about Donald Trump, a power struggle in professional football in his world championship in Qatar.

It is true: the role and memory of the capitalists are fragmented on the theme of the records.

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Müssen sich Kimmich and Co. political in nature?

„Generell glaube ich, dass wir as Spieler für Dinge and Werte einstehen sollten. (…) On the other hand, it is not our job, our politics is our own, we are able to live with our families in the country and in our association, understand Kimmich and speak with two different views on the subject: Müssen sich Sportlerinnen und Sportler anyway zu political themes good?

It is true that “now” athletes can practice their sport and should receive support for their negotiating position. It is one of the most influential people who can give their opinion and experience a problem with the sale and a miss with their Reichsweite.

The DFB-Kapitän gilded as a type, a strong meinung vertritt and not that for zurückschreckt, diese zu äusernern. For Kimmich and Co. a modest gratuity can take place.

Kritik an Katar-WM hat “Freude am Turnier genommen”

We can enjoy the most successful 2022 World Championships in Qatar for a few years in the critical position and the result of Turnier-Boykott. Damals meinte Kimmich: „Generell bin ich der Meinung, dass wir für einen Boykott zehn Jahre zu spät dran since.“, Der Bayern-Profi ergänzte angesichts der lang zurückliegenden Vergabe des Turniers and Katar durch die FIFA: „Im Fußball hat man die Chance , auf Dinge Hinzweisen. That is nothing more in the light, but another part of the population.”

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The Turnier in the Qatar war for the DFB-Elf is not yet a sporting flop, but an emotional battle, while Kimmich goes to Kimmich, “kein gutes Bild abgegeben”. “If the damage has been done, we will have to deal with further politics.” Man habe den Spielern die “Freude am Turnier genommen”. Kimmich spoke in Hinblick about the infrastructure and organization of a “Topturnier”, which is “not a genius.”

WM in Saudi Arabia – learning from DFB from Qatar?

In this year, the last conscious Turnier has emerged: the WM in Saudi Arabia. Black is not yet official, but the Wüstenstaat is the only Bewerber for the Turnier 2034. Die Vergabe Mitte Dezember gilded as Reine Formsache.

Saudi Arabian Steht, wie Katar auch, voor schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverletzungen und unwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen. This is due to fraud, freedom of speech and religion, a position for the LQBTQ+ society and the risks of political instrumentalization. If the Frage in Raum is removed, a WM can end up in a Wüstenstaat.

The criticism has always been like this when I started working with Katar, or later when I popped up. The criticism on the DFB day was not clear and distinct because the position of WM 2022 was in favor.

“It is FIFA that has a catalog of the entwerfen, the man who is eaten,” said Kimmich, of the concrete, “political experts” of his life. There are many things that play the game, but it is a matter of years on the sports interest that can be played.

When Kimmich had not yet finally come out of the closet, he would ascend the DFB-Elf at the Weltmeisterschaft in Saudi Arabia in the last 39 years. A dennoch: After the signal Meinung zu brisanten Themen wird Kimmich, geraded as DFB-Kapitän, nor the Öfteren gefragt were. And that would be a sports and political theme that continues to grow.