
1. FC Köln: Über 1000 Fan-Article und Trikots: Köln-Fan Rudi who won the first FC-Sammlung | Sport

1. FC Köln: Über 1000 Fan-Article und Trikots: Köln-Fan Rudi who won the first FC-Sammlung | Sport

An FC Museum cannot be viewed as more than what it is…

Cologne fan Rudi Faus (48) focused on the Sammler of FC-Utensilien alle Rekorde and thus possessed everything, the Kölsche Herz wanted. From Wimpel über Münzen, Zeitungs- and Fanshop-Artikel to an unfassbaren Trikot-Sammlung is everything you can do.

Jetzt said Rudi BILD see new FC-Schätze!

Rudi used über 600 FC-Trikots

Der Original-Wimpel des Pokalfinals against Bremen 1991 ist dabei, een Stadionzeitung des historic “Münzwurf-Spiels” against Liverpool in Rotterdam, a Matchworn-Kappe (also in the game) of Ex-Trainer Steffen Baumgart (52), a von der Mannschaft unterschriebener Riesen-Geißbock, various Stadionbecher, Schal. Es gibt eeninfach nichts, was Rudi nicht hat…

Sein wohl ältestes Sammler-Stück ist eine Autogrammkarte von Fritz Breuer (†87/zwischen 1952 und 1964 204 FC-Spiele) from the 1950s. And then it is still impossible to use Trikots.

Rudi himself managed beef 600 Cologne-Trikots. 200 davon wurden profis in a game get or so leastest for a einsatz in a game vorbereitet (“Match-Prepared”), message from de Maler from Euskirchen.

Historical: Die BILD-Zeitung of April 19, 1964. The 1. FC Köln has gone through a 5:2 in Dortmund of the first Bundesliga-Meister.

Historical: The BILD-Zeitung vom 19. April 1964. The 1. FC Köln is a 5:2 against Dortmund in the first Bundesliga-Meister

Photo: Leon Potuzhek

It is true that the community is concerned with the lies of the most outrageous people. And don’t wait any longer. Rudis’s new Stück from the lost Woche: a von Gerhard Struber (47) gets and unterschriebene FC-Kappe.

Rudi Faus: “The Sammlung will not be complete. It’s what such a thing is. Once it became more swingy, the player was immediately approached by him. And then the leader might be Leute, the trikots that are on the internet, pose and scaffold. If this is damage, it is a hobby.”

A hobby is not possible for the Unterstützung blessinger Frau Corinna. She said: “I would like to give special Sahnestücken, which I can give to myself. Manchmal sagen wir, dass nichts meer kaufft wird, weil das schon ins Geld geht. Aber dann findet man wieder etwas…“

Rudi says BILD seine Lieblings-Stücke

► Das Sonder-Torwart-Trikot von Bodo Ilgner (57).

Rudi with a Matchworn Trikot from Bodo Illgner (57)

Rudi with a Matchworn Trikot from Bodo Illgner (57). These Köln-Schätze were upgraded by Rudi into his own “FC-Zimmer”.

Photo: Leon Potuzhek

► An original Trikot von Wolfgang Overath (81) from the Uwe-Seeler-Traditionsmannschaft from 1987, the Weltmeister gets a striking hat. Rudi said: “I found a Sammler on the internet. Overath hat mir das Ende Januar unterschrieben and bestätigt, thats is das geragen hat.”

Rudi with a Trikot von Wolfgang Overath (81). In the background a competition-prepared jersey from Timo Horn and a cape from Steffen Baumgart

Rudi with a Trikot von Wolfgang Overath (81). In the background a competition-prepared jersey from Timo Horn and a cape from Steffen Baumgart

Photo: Leon Potuzhek

An unglazed Sammlung. With a stick, Rudi let us know how to travel safely. Der Euskirchener über sein match-prepared-Torwart-Trikot vom Europa-League-Duell bei Partizan Belgrad aus der Saison 2022/23: „I became one of the best players in an FC-Trikot match. And heavy in diesem Trikot von Timo Horn.”

At night Sammel-Wunsch diet auf weiteres Torwart-Trikot ab. Rudi said: “If I would like to have a Trikot, then that would be the case with Jonas Urbig. There is a von us, wie ich, a Euskirchener Junge.”

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Quelle: SID