
Werder Bremen: Premiere and frikadellen-besuch in Mitgliederversammlung | Sport

Werder Bremen: Premiere and frikadellen-besuch in Mitgliederversammlung | Sport

Am Montagabend (7 p.m.) find the Werder-Mitgliederversammlung statt.

In the “Werder-Halle – Hemelinger-Straße” a great personal challenge is a wide variety of possibilities. When it started, most transactions in the Vereinssatzung-omgesetzt.

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Quelle: BILD/populated

Der Klub is no longer separated from most other groups with different Vorzügen in the Mitgliedschaft, but neither active nor fördernden Mitgliedern. Damit has all his rights.

“It was the right choice, I started with the first years of the Vereinssatzung. “Enjoy the culture of debate, we will never forget it, and you will be able to understand the language of speech,” said Werder-Präsident Dr. Hubertus Hess-Grunewald in conversation with BILD.

Der Präsident weiter: “The answer to the question is that the following years will have a higher level of attention for the first time that attention and attention will be paid to the attention.”

I am the message about the Geschäftsführer, when the boss Klaus Filbry (57) was aware of the latest geschäftsjahres during the frosts, while Clemens Fritz (43) was the first time he played a new role as Geschäftsführer Sport in the versatile language.

Aber auch Vorgänger Frank Baumann (49) did something a while ago. The past year is spoken of in a separate way: “I became Werder as a Fan and as a Mitglied lebenslang erhalten bleiben. This was one of many years that lasted some of the time and in the Ruhe meine Frikadelle essence.”