
Red Bull: So Vergrößert is his Sport-Imperium with Milliardär Arnault

Red Bull: So Vergrößert is his Sport-Imperium with Milliardär Arnault

Red Bull: So Vergrößert is his Sport-Imperium with Milliardär Arnault

I come across the latest fusion: Red Bull chief Oliver Mintzlaff.
photo alliance / ZB | motivation

Red Bull acquired a new price of 10.5 billion euros in 2023 and sold 12.1 billion euros.

The university is further investing in the Australian sports markets and will retain Jürgen Klopp as ‘Head of Global Soccer’ in 2025.

Red Bull factory, at French Zweitligisten Paris FC einzusteigen, wobei der Mehrheitseigentümer a Holding des Luxuskonzerns LVMH sein soll.

Ein Mann jumps from the Stratosphäre in 39 Kilometers Höhe from a Kapsel. Another continuation of the mountain mountain ski area in the area is further away. Another flight with a distance of 250 kilometers through a tunnel. Was haben diese wahnwitzigen Erfolge common? There is a logo in the videos: Red Bull.

The energy restorer from Fuschl am See is less good than that. The Konzern is Extremsport, Fußball, Formel 1, Eihockey, Hip-Hop and much more. When the time comes, it will be a dose. 2023 they will be purchasing 12.1 billion Red Bull Getränke. The Konzernumsatz has generated new revenue of 9.6 billion euros to 10.5 billion euros.

Jürgen Klopp becomes part of the Red Bull family

Zuletzt hat Red Bull wieder starker invests in the Ausbau seiner Sportmarken. With Jürgen Klopp he got the idea of ​​​​the German football sport that played for a year. From January 1, 2025, ‘Head of Global Soccer’ will be the strategic analysis of the football association in the portfolio of international responsibility.

One of the best trainers in the world: Jürgen Klopp.

One of the best trainers in the world: Jürgen Klopp.
Jan Kruger/Getty Images

Do with the Trainerstar that the Konzern is more like nur Expertise. “With Klopp hat Red Bull wieder, der Marke seit de Tod des legendären Firmengründers und Patrons Dietrich Mateschitz am 22. Oktober 2022 fehlt: een internationally prominent Gesicht”, written with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

Current modernization: The Konzernzentrale in Fuschl am See.

Current modernization: The Konzernzentrale in Fuschl am See.
photo alliance / BARBARA GINDL / APA / | BARBARA GINDL

Red Bull, that is to say, is proud of itself. No, we’ll do it more. Its own people, drawn from the Thai family Yoovidhya (51 Prozent der Anteile) and Erbe Mark Mateschitz (49 Prozent), have won 984 million euros from dividends won. Once it’s done, it’s the right thing to do. When the time comes, the central operation of the modernization area has begun.

Red Bull will revive the Top Club in Europe

Die Fäden kommen am Ende with his sisters: Oliver Mintzlaff. See the news of the Red Bull-Gründers Mateschitz is the CEO of the Konzerns. And Mintzlaff, who is still German, has a strategy. Darin played the sport in a big way.

Mintzlaff knows Fußballfans deeply about the news at RB Leipzig. Dort war has been Vorstandsvorsitzender of the Vereins since 2014, the last time he was entitled to broadcast for 23 months. Since 2016 there has been a Geschäftsführer of the ausgegliederten RB Leipzig GmbH.

RB Leipzig is the only association that covers Red Bull in one of the major European regions. It’s no different. Der Konzern will be the französischen Zweitligisten Paris FC einsteigen. Nothing like a Mehrheitsaktionär, nur mit een Anteil von 15 Prozent, wie is heißt. Most of its own people are a holding company of the French luxury companies LVMH of Milliard Bernard Arnault, so of the plan.

Red Bull and Milliardär Bernard Arnault create a bald woman together.

Red Bull and Milliardär Bernard Arnault create a bald woman together.
Chesnot/Getty Images

Vielleicht has given Red Bull fathers more Akzeptanz in the Fußballwelt. Der Einstieg des Konzerns in Leipzig was sharply criticized by many German fans. It is not a game of the Leipzigers, but the protest is “das Konstrukt” on the road. I’m Ausland since the fans are critical. Kaum is a Premier-League-Verein that still does not have a major investor.

The best cutlery is another club from the French Hauptstadt: Paris Saint-Germain. Since 2011, the Qatari Investor Group QSI has invested hundreds of millions of euros in the club. With the money from Qatar, Pariser’s debt would go to a European Top Association. It looks like Red Bull is joining forces with LVMH at Paris FC – and the competition may be in the distance.


For example, the Louis-Vuitton Chef will buy a new Top Fußballklub because in Europe with Red Bull